Bear is the boy we kept from our 2014 litter out of Penny by Teddy (NZ CH Toadhall Pontiff Lazarus) – thanks very much to Karen Dyer Huria for letting us use her fantastic boy Teddy. Bear is nine months old now and a very happy and friendly, outgoing boy who is coming along quite nicely. We look forward to seeing him grow up into a lovely big boy. He looks very much like a younger version of his dad, so we are really pleased with how he is coming along for now.
Bear is very much a laid back sort of guy – he is happy to run and chase with the girls (a little bit) but is a bit confused about this whole chasing sticks thing they have going on! He really doesn’t see the point – after all, you can’t eat the sticks, can you (he does like his food). He has recently discovered swimming at the beach is fun, and thinks if those pesky ducks would just stay still, he’s sure he could get an extra snack between meals.